1- Service Agreement

Please go back to the news section on the homepage of the website " http://www.muyin-2024.cn/ " to check the service agreement of Beijing Zhousheng Songyu Technology Co., Ltd.

2- Other service specifications

To facilitate your use of the relevant services provided by Zhousheng Songyu, you authorize Zhousheng Songyu to transfer the information you provided or generated during the process of account registration and using Zhousheng Songyu's services to other relevant service providers such as Zhousheng Songyu's affiliated companies, or to obtain from other relevant service providers such as Zhousheng Songyu's affiliated companies the information you provided or generated during the registration and use of relevant services.
You understand and are aware that when using the services of Zhousheng Songyu, the content and information you are exposed to come from a wide range of sources, and Zhousheng Songyu cannot be responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, usability, security, integrity and legitimacy of such content and information. You understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to incorrect, unpleasant, inappropriate or offensive content and information, and you will not hold Zhousheng Songyu accountable for relevant responsibilities on this basis.
You agree that Zhousheng Songyu may display commercial advertisements or any other types of commercial information in various ways during the process of providing services (including but not limited to placing advertisements at any position on Zhousheng Songyu, placing advertisements in the content you upload and disseminate). You agree to receive promotional or other relevant commercial information sent to you by Zhousheng Songyu via email, in-site messages, mobile phone text messages, website announcements or other means.
Part of the content provided by Zhousheng Songyu may be generated by artificial intelligence models based on the instructions you input and related content. Zhousheng Songyu will not assume liability for guaranteeing the authenticity of such content (especially the sound features and factual descriptive content contained therein). You should verify and judge by yourself whether such content is true or not.
Zhousheng Songyu has marked the content generated by artificial intelligence significantly, and you are not allowed to delete, tamper with or modify the privacy-related marks by technical means.

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